
East of England Cervical Screening Programme

This is a fully funded NHS initiative to use text messaging technology to send out text reminders to patients invited for Cervical Screening across the East of England in order to improve uptake.

Please find below a summary of the service with a link to some frequently asked questions. To enable read-coding and to choose the message your patients will receive please click on the ‘Read-coding Consent’ button below.

Read-Coding Consent

For queries please contact

East of England Cervical Screening Programme

  • NHS East of England has commissioned iPLATO to support the Cervical Cancer Screening Programme using their text messaging platform called MyGP Engagement Hub.
  • This text reminder service is an extension to the existing process of the Cervical Screening Administration Service (CSAS) sending letter invites to patients.
  • iPLATO healthcare will send a text reminder approximately 12 days following the first letter invite sent to patients by CSAS.
  • Consent is required for this programme to ensure read-coding can be applied to the individual patient record once the text has been sent so please click on the ‘Read-coding Consent’ button to give your consent.

Data Processing and Data Sharing Summary

  1. iPLATO will use the Personal Demographics Service (PDS) to extract patient mobile numbers.
  2. All data is processed within the HSCN network.
  3. iPLATO Healthcare acts as a data processor for this service and the required Data Processing Agreements and Data Protection Impact Assessments have been signed off by NHS England.